We have expanded remarkably over the decades in step with the advancement of our capabilities.

DLE is a Qualified Electrical Contractor and a Licensed Wiring Contractor, as well as a registered BCA contractor in a wide variety of areas.

We can tender for projects with unlimited contract sums in the workhead areas of Air-Conditioning, Refrigeraton & Ventilation works, Electrical Engineering, and Integrated Building Services, as we hold the highest financial grade of L6 in these areas.


The table below appends our various workheads and their corresponding grades.


Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation Works ME01 L6
Building Automation, Industrial & Process Control Systems ME02 L1
Communication & Security Systems ME04 L2
Electrical Engineering ME05 L6
Fire Prevention & Protection Systems ME06 L5
Internal Telephone Wiring for Telecommunications ME08 L1
Plumbing & Sanitary Works ME12 L3
Integrated Building Services ME15 L6
Licensed Builder – General Building GB GB1

To be renewed in year 2027

Our expanding clientele and portfolio of repeated clients, ranging from local companies to multi-national corporations is a testimonial to our versatility, competence, professionalism, and excellence in quality service.